Modification of a vintage suitcase (Classic BMW R60/2)
The passioned owner of this beautiful restored classic BMW R60/2, which happens to be in his family for decades, bought a vintage suitcase as finishing touch. The leather suitcase has a beautiful patina and the question was if I could make the logo of the sidecar 'Steib' as a patch with the final look that it was original. Quite a callenge, but that is what I like.
First I had to find a nice original logo that I could trace on the leather to emboss by hand. That was the easy part... Then we had to add the color, stitching and patina... But we succeed and the owner was very pleased with the result. Have a look below.

The beautiful restored classic BMW R60/2

The traced Steib logo, ready toe be embossed

The embossed result

Looking for the right patina to match the original suitcase

Ready to glue and place it in position

Extra pressure for a permanent fix

The final result